Where has this summer gone?! It can't possibly be almost over. And yet I know people who have already left for Europe for the hockey season, the kids in St. Louis are headed back to school next week, and I realized that I only have 3 more weeks of work left. That can't be right
We had a long summer since there were no playoffs for us, but it just didn't feel like it. We had so many things going on that I don't feel like we got to relax at all. Last summer we traveled and did so much that we said no way we were going to do that again this summer. Somehow we did even more. How does that happen?!
Not much happened when we first got home, but maybe that's why I can't remember relaxing? We got engaged on June 8th and the few days following it were a blur to me. Then we found ourselves in Orlando for the PHPA meetings. We were home for a week before flying out to Las Vegas to go to a wedding. No it wasn't at a casino, the bride is actually from there. We were home for a few days before we flew to Toronto for the Toronto Indy. I went straight to NY to find a ceremony and reception site. Then I was full on into work mode. And trying to get wedding planning done.
Now it's time to start preparing to leave for hockey. I'll leave when Mike leaves and just stay with my parents until the start of the regular season. While we won't start packing right away, we have to start figuring out the process. Since we're driving separate cars, we have to figure out where to stop overnight on the way. We can't just go by how we feel because of Bauer so we have to plan the stop. We have to reserve a trailer to tow our stuff. It's time to debate what stays here and what comes with us.. I have to put in my notice at work and start figuring out the transfer process so I'll have a job when I get to Binghamton. We have to start eating up all the food we've stored all summer so we don't have to throw anything away. And while not necessary, we have to hit up all our favorite restaurants one last time before we leave.
I'm a major procrastinator so I know plenty of that stuff is going to get put off to the last possible second. It'll be the night before we move, Mike will be packing the trailer, and I'll still be tossing clothes into suitcases and candles into boxes just like every other year. And just like all the other times, Mike will be looking at me like I'm nuts when I bring down ANOTHER bin filled with my shoes. "Do you really need those shoes?" he'll ask. Poor Bauer will be giving us the 'again' look while hiding from the bins and scattered hockey equipment, which scare him. Then I'll be lucky to get 4 hours of sleep because I'll keep thinking of things that need to get packed and we'll be off.
It's the month after the initial move that is the most difficult. I have to live out of a suitcase at my parents place because I never know how long I'll be there. Mike will be gone the whole time at camp and I'll miss him like crazy. I'll also spend every day online checking out apartments in Binghamton and trying to figure out where the best place to live is. If anyone knows anything about the city and wants to give some advice, I'll gladly take it!
Not knowing where we're going to be living or when we'll be moving in is always hard. I hate the uncertainty. Like I mentioned before, Mike and I are planners. Even while I'm checking out apartments online just to see what's out there, Mike will be finding out where guys have lived in the past. Hopefully other guys will have dogs because I'd hate to be far from everyone else because the place they live doesn't allow pets. And Bauer always loves making new friends!
While I'm home I'm hoping to get the majority of the wedding stuff taken care of. The part I'm most excited about is dress shopping of course! I already have a style in mind. Okay, okay, a specific dress, in mind. I can't wait to find the one! It's going to be wedding planning non stop for a few weeks. I'll probably enjoy the start of the season just to take a break from it all.
I'm always incredibly sad to leave our home for the season. I'll choke back the tears that will threaten to fall the whole morning while we're taking care of the last minute things. I'll end up crying like a baby the second my car pulls out of the driveway like I always do. It won't be until we cross into Illinois before the tears stop completely. That doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to the new year, but it's never easy to leave home. I am looking forward to the new adventures we'll experience in our new city with our new team. I can't wait to find out if we'll make some amazing friends, which I'm sure we will. I still just can't believe that the summer is almost over!
Yes, you always need the shoes, no matter where, when or how many :)